Core Skills for Self-Reliance

Skills That You Need to Attain Self Reliance

Self Reliance is based upon many learned and well practiced skills applied in your daily activities that assure your survival, comfort and happiness without being dependent upon external forces. As you grow more self reliant you find that you can build, make or create many if not all of what you need to thrive in almost any environment. This section is intended to point you in the direction of honing your skills while creating more abilities to survive on your own.

The picture on the right is an extreme example of how one self reliant home owner in Mississippi (USA) overcame nearly overwhelming odds to save their home from total destruction on the flood plain of the Mississippi Delta. They built and dike around their home and were even thoughtful enough to make a landing place for their boat outside. While this is an extreme example, there are many projects that you can master that will equally up your ante in the challenges that you face every day.

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